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Saguaro Cactus

Saguaro Cactus

During one of my many hikes through Arizona, I snapped this picture looking up a saguaro cactus. These are pretty neat cacti and flower from the ends of their stalks. These suckers are everywhere around Phoenix, AZ.

Blooming Cholla

Blooming Cholla

A picture of a blooming cholla taken somewhere north of Phoenix, AZ in the Tonto National Forest. Pretty neat area to hike through, and surprisingly full of life for it being a desert.



A cholla skeleton that was baking in the desert sun. Tonto National Forest north of Phoenix, AZ.

Zion National Park Trail

Zion National Park Trail

Zion is a really amazing park. It offers up many different ecosystems depending on what elevation you are at. We hiked into some gorgeous areas with this being one of them.

Drippy Rock at Zion National Park

Drippy Rock at Zion National Park

While at Zion NP, you can get to some really neat areas where the water is flowing over the top of you. This is the case here. The sun is blowing out some of the mountain details, but the water drops look stunning framed by such beauty.

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

Some enormously tall canyons zigzag through Capitol Reef National Park in Southern Utah. Lots of interesting hiking here, and even Fremont Petroglyphs. My buddy is hiking in front of me for scale.

Grand Canyon, Arizona

Grand Canyon, Arizona

It’s hard to get good pictures of the Grand Canyon due to atmospheric effects. I always shoot with a UV filter, but it generally isn’t enough when photographing such epic distances. I’ve applied a few filters here, but the effects came out well.

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Another picture of the Grand Canyon. Similar filtering applied as the previous image. Pretty cool vistas.