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Angels Landing – Zion NP

Angels Landing - Zion NP

Here’s a view going towards the end of the Angels Landing hiking trail. It isn’t for the faint of heart. I really want to do this hike again. It was incredible

Drippy Rock at Zion National Park

Drippy Rock at Zion National Park

While at Zion NP, you can get to some really neat areas where the water is flowing over the top of you. This is the case here. The sun is blowing out some of the mountain details, but the water drops look stunning framed by such beauty.

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

Some enormously tall canyons zigzag through Capitol Reef National Park in Southern Utah. Lots of interesting hiking here, and even Fremont Petroglyphs. My buddy is hiking in front of me for scale.

Fujifilm Acros 100

Fujifilm Acros 100

I love the dynamic range of this film. I use it extensively, and just can’t get enough of it. Likely shot with my Mamiya Super 645. I think this shot was taken at Zion, but it may just be a rock formation in Utah.