Tag Archives: immunohistochemistry

Anti-Body Dilution Preparation

Diluting a solution is pretty easy. Usually you are taking a stock solution and adding a buffer or other solution to it to get the required dilution. The math is rather simple here as well.

 C_1\times V_1 = C_2\times V_2


C_1 = Initial concentration or molarity.
V_1 = Initial volume.
C_2 = Final concentration or molarity.
V_2 = Final volume
If math isn’t your strong suit, you can always use an online calculator to find volume of solution you need for your dilution.
When doing anti-body dilutions for IHC tests, everything is measure in micro liters (μL) and a micro-pipette is used to dispense the required volumes. Some common mistakes can occur such as, leaving out the antibody and allowing it to reach room temperature or not stirring/mixing the antibody before doing the dilution. Sometimes the antibody can settle/precipitate, so mixing should also occur once diluted and before being placed on an instrument.