Tag Archives: job search

Continuing Work on This Site

I continue to back date skills posts to flesh out my skills list. Writing up those posts has me going through a more than 10,000+ photo folder to find pictures I’ve taken that are relevant to the posts. It’s so much work. I’ve already put 40 hours into just adding content to the site. It’s daunting work, and I really and hoping that it pays off in the end.

Some things I’m going to work on once all the skill posts are fleshed out is, reading and reviewing scientific articles. I also am going to start getting involved in the international and organized animal groups out there that bring together professionals and enthusiasts. Going to mainly focus on groups dealing with behavior, ecology, conservation, entomology, and research. Hopefully I can gain some contacts within there and network to a better job. I’ve tried the online job boards, but those just seem to not work at all. I get zero communication, and I’m starting to doubt it’s because I’m writing poor cover letters or not having a fleshed out resume.

Also once this site is done to the point where I’m just adding new content, I can get it up on all the job search sites. I’ve had some luck with recruiters contacting me over Indeed, Career Builder, and Linked In, but the problem is, most of them are wanting me for a travelling histology position. That would be great, if I were not married and didn’t have local responsibilities. I may end up having to take one just to pay the bills, but hopefully something local works out for us.