Tag Archives: Recruiters

Job Recruiters

I’ve had a recent in surge of recruiters calling me based on my careerbuilder.com and indeed.com profiles. I’ve put a large amount of effort into making those and my linkedin profiles strong and it’s nice to see those paying off.

I’ve not had much luck directly applying for positions posted on job boards, so it’s very nice that I’m finally making some traction building my online brand. Hopefully some job offers start coming in and I can meet with some companies here in Minnesota to find the perfect fit.

As soon as a job happens, I’ll be able to use my savings and finally start the search for a house to buy. I’ve been renting up until this point in my life and I would really like to start building equity.

Things are looking up, I’m feeling confident, and I can’t wait to see what opportunities lie in wait for me. Thank you everyone who has contacted me, and I hope this website will help you gain an understanding of what I’m like.

Don’t forget to visit my skills and techniques page, and please contact me at eric@ericjohnhanson.com or visit the contact me page to get a hold of me. Thanks for visiting!